
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Now entering the second trimester!

Well, today is the first day of my second trimester. It's so weird. When I was about 6 weeks along and having that "no fetal pole" scare, I felt like I would literally never get here... and now here I am! With a little bloaty belly to show for it. I feel like it's okay to have a belly today. Yesterday, it just meant I was fat, but today, it's definitely baby. [:)] (Since I just posted my 12w pic, I figured I'd skip the 13w one...)

I don't have a whole lot to report, other than the following:

  1. I did my first crown prep today and it was actually really fun. I had been wondering when we were going to learn how to do crowns since no one had ever mentioned them throughout the first two years of dental school.
  2. Monday, September 1 is our first anniversary! We are delinquent and have no plans. Whatever we do will probably involve eating a lot of food, since I am eating everything that isn't nailed down these days. It is so great to be free of the morning sickness!
  3. Our apartment and all our pets are infested with fleas, and Frontline isn't working. I don't know what we're going to do-- the vet said we could bring them in for a flea treatment, but we'd need to flea-bomb our apartment. And I can't do that because I'm pregnant! If anyone has any suggestions, please post below...

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