
Monday, April 5, 2010

Here's the problem.

I hardly ever blog anymore. It's sad. I tell myself it's because I don't have time, but really, I am in front of the computer studying most nights after Caroline goes to bed, and let's be honest-- I would much rather play on the internet than study.

I guess I really do have the time, or at least most of the time I do. The problem is, I always want to write about stuff that happened during the day, and most of that involves my patients. There's all kinds of craziness and hilariousness and awkwardness that happens when you are an amateur dentist. And I happen to be a particularly awkward person, which makes for some spectacularly awful moments. But I can't write about them, really. It would be unprofessional. And I wouldn't want to get in trouble with my school and jeopardize everything that I have been working so hard for. Sigh. Being an adult is so boring.

So I mostly try to talk about Caroline. But let's be honest, there's not that much to say. I mean, I could go on and on about all the cute things she does, but to tell you the truth I suspect that would be kind of dull for you. I talk about mommyhood in general, but sadly I am more dental student than mom these days, and the dental part is kind of off-limits, so that puts me right back where I started.

One of my favorite commenters asked me how Tyler is doing (hi MJS!) so I suppose we can talk about him. (Whenever I am blogging, he asks "Are you talking about me? Are you writing about me? What are you saying about me?"- um, self-centered much, my dear? ;) so I will satisfy your curiosity and throw him a bone at the same time.) He is doing great, publishing papers like crazy. He could probably be done with his dissertation this year, if he wanted to be, but he has two more years of funding so he will probably hang out and keep publishing stuff until I am done with residency, and then we will move. We're thinking we'll go temporarily to either Germany or NYC at this point. We'd love for Caroline to have the opportunity to go to preschool in Germany, but I'm not sure what I'd do there since I definitely want to use this degree that I'm busting my butt to get. It's up in the air right now. We're still thinking that Denver will be our permanent home after Tyler is done with postdoc positions, though.

So that's his work life, which is his "other" baby. He often works late, and honestly it's hard for me. He hasn't been traveling since I went back to school, which has made things a little easier, but he's starting up again now. He's gone this week, and will go to South Africa in a few weeks, and then will be in North Dakota for the summer. But when he is home, he is a really great dad. I've got to give him credit there. Sometimes I wish we could spend more time together, and I know we both tend to neglect our relationship a little bit because we are both so incredibly busy. But as a father, he's just amazing. I knew he'd be great. But he's even more dedicated and involved and in love with Caroline than I imagined he would be. I love listening to him read to Caroline or talk to her about dinosaurs.

Anyway, I guess I need to find a way to talk about dental school without having to retitle my blog "HIPAA violations and the occasional baby picture". I'll figure something out :)


Monica said...

There was a moment where my heart skipped a beat when I read "maybe Germany," because... get this... I actually forgot you can blog from wherever you go!

That said, I hope you keep blogging, because believe it or not, your semi-random non-HIPAA violating entires always were (and continue to be)simply delightful. Certianly interesting (especially to us professional students out here!), and I hope you keep posting whatever you do for a long, long time. :)

PhinneyGirl said...

I'm always excited when I see you've created a blog, you write well :-)
You could create a separate anonymous blog to write about your crazy patients, like this chick did: http://itsababynotbrainsurgery.blogspot.com/

I'm amazed that you are able to do it all, be in a tough grad school program, have a Ph.D. student husband, and a baby. It makes me feel like a whimp for what I complain about! Much applause for you :-)

HarmSkills said...

NYC would be a great place for dentist, students and preschool!

Mrs. V said...

Julia you amaze me! You handle everything so well. I love when I see updates from you. Your husband, and Caroline are lucky to have you! :-) I'm sure you'll find happiness where ever the wind blows you. You've given me inspiration, I'm currently TTC and complete my Bachelors. Now I'm motivated! You GO girl!!!